We have launched a donation appeal to support flood victims! | Slovenská katolícka charita

We have launched a donation appeal to support flood victims!

pridal: Ladislav Bariak | dátum: 17. septembra 2024 | kategória: Aktuality

Imagine waking up to find your home, everything you’ve worked for your entire life, disappearing underwater. Your family faces despair, helplessly watching as nature takes everything from you. This is the reality happening right now in several parts of Slovakia and neighboring countries.

Together, we can help them. But we need everyone to unite – now more than ever. Every donation, every euro, offers a new chance for the families facing the devastating floodwaters today.

On behalf of those in need, we kindly ask for your support. You can contribute to our donation account: IBAN SK37 0900 0000 0001 7687 5345, Reference: 12092024. 

Alternatively, you can donate through the platform https://donio.sk/povodne2024 , where the Caritas Slovakia and the NGO Človek v ohrození have partnered for this relief effort.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have already raised more than €300,000, and we would like to express our deepest gratitude. Our donation appeal continues, and we believe that with your help, we can assist even more people facing this natural disaster.

“I wholeheartedly thank everyone who has contributed to help the flood victims. At a time when people have lost nearly everything they owned, the immense strength of human solidarity has shone through. Your support is not only material aid for them, but also a sign of hope that they are not alone,” said Miroslav Dzurech, General Secretary of Caritas Slovakia.

Why does your support matter now?

  • Your financial contributions will allow us to provide emergency kits for families, food, drinking water, and essential hygiene supplies. 
  • Your donations will also help us provide warm clothing and blankets to protect people from severe weather conditions. 

Caritas Slovakia is immediately releasing €5,000 to support the hardest-hit areas and is sending our colleagues and volunteers to assist where the need is greatest. The quicker we can provide assistance, the more damage we can prevent.

Thanks to our nationwide charity network, your financial gift will reach exactly where it is most needed in these critical moments.

Your contribution could make the difference between losing everything and finding hope for a fresh start. None of us know when we may need help ourselves, but today, we have the chance to assist those in urgent need.

Let’s not delay – time is running out. It takes just a little to make a huge difference. Thank you for standing with us and with those affected during these challenging times.

Media Contact:

Ladislav Bariak – bariak@charita.sk, +421 948 316 464

Donor Contact:

Lukáš Hlubovič – hlubovic@charita.sk, +421 948 128 779

Contacts for diocesan and eparchial Caritas branches:

Bratislava Archdiocesan Charity – eva.sladkova@charitaba.sk; marketing@charitaba.sk 

Trnava Archdiocesan Charity – pr.manazer@charitatt.sk 

Košice Archdiocesan Charity – silvia.hrabcakova@charita-ke.sk 

Nitra Diocesan Charity – petra.balazova@charitanitra.sk 

Žilina Diocesan Charity – pr@charitaza.sk; ved.odd.pr@charitaza.sk 

Banská Bystrica Diocesan Charity – radoslavbujdos@gmail.com 

Spiš Catholic Charity – katarina.havrilova@caritas.sk 

Rožňava Diocesan Charity – lucia.cernakova@caritas.sk 

Greek Catholic Eparchial Charity Košice – palovcik.peter@grkatke.sk 

Greek Catholic Charity Prešov – verejnost@gkcharita-po.sk